The 3 Most Important Steps to Creating Sticker Sheets In Procreate

The 3 Most Important Steps to Creating Sticker Sheets In Procreate

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I'm sure if you were to search on YouTube as part of your researching into this topic you'll find a myriad of steps, methods, and how tos. You'll also find, depending on the creator, there are no RIGHT ways to creating sticker sheets in Procreate.

My goal is to share with you the steps I've taken that have proven effective and efficient. These are 3 of my tried and true methods, steps, and workflows to how I create sticker sheets in the Procreate app. 

Step #1: Balance between RESEARCH and APPLICATION

When I first began Crafting By The Pound in 2017, the amount of hours, days, weeks, and months I spent researching how to create the sticker sheets that was all over my Instagram feed was ridiculous. I was consuming so much information but didn't know (yet) how to filter through it all and place it in the column in my mind where it was needed. Unfortunately, I'm not a detailed note taker because I pretty much keep almost everything in my mind so this somewhat slowed the process down of putting my best foot forward when crafting my stickers in the beginning. Just thinking about those creations from the early days scares me a little.

The one major downside in researching incessantly on a topic is after a while you begin to feel burned out. It begins to seem that you're getting further from the goal you were headed towards when you first started researching. The only way to combat this is to begin implementing some, or all, of what you've learned; maybe even crating a document or database of what you've learned and begin to put it into some semblance of order will help bring you back from the brink of giving up and/or getting overwhelmed.

Step #2: Apply what you learn to what you already have in mind

Whether you're wanting to create sticker sheets for yourself or as products for your shop, learning how to plug and play the information you've accumulated in 'approach #1' will become the foundation you will need in further tackling projects you'll encounter as a creative, and most importantly as a shop owner. 

To be honest, this step might very well be as intense or light as you want it. You could get finished with this step quick as heck or this might be the step that shows if creating sticker sheets in Procreate in what you really want to do.

There's nothing wrong with just purchasing from other sticker shops instead of going the DIY route.

When I don't feel up to it myself, I go shop around and support other shops until I feel the creative mojo coming back to create my own.

So what would applying what you've learned look like?

For one thing, it'll depend on the type of learner you are:

  • Do you learn better with a hands on approach? You may have to create some test print and cuts, or just jump into procreate and explore with the tools, canvas', and brushes.
  • If you learn better by reading instructions, detailed step-by-step instructions, there are many Procreate books on Amazon and on the internet that you could purchase and download to help guide you.
  • But, if you need diagrams, visual steps throughout the entire process, you might want to either invest in Skillshare, go the free route with YouTube, or documenting your trail by fire actions (just doing the thing and documenting what worked for you and what didn't).
youtube search: creating sticker sheets in procreate

Step #3: Use materials that work for your process.

The materials needed to create sticker sheets in Procreate isn’t extensive, again you can go as far or as little as you want because these stickers sheets will be yours. 

A list of 'materials' you may need I'll include below:

  • iPad (any iPad that has Apple Pencil capabilities is your best bet. I've learned that the Mini's even use Procreate)
  • Procreate App (one-time purchase, no subscription. I think when I first purchased Procreate it was $4.99 but I think it's now $9.99)
  • Sticker Cutter (optional if you're able to hand kiss-cut the individual stickers on the sticker sheet. I personally use Silhouette, but I have used Cricut when I first started)
  • Sticker Cutting Software (the Silhouette Studio software is free but as you get more intense with your crafting you might want to invest in upgrading to one of the paid tiers)
  • Sticker Paper (out of all the sticker paper I've used, I've decided to stay with Standard Matte because it's the most versatile)
  • Printer (any inkjet would work. The printer I use prints my stickers close to what it looks like in my Procreate software so I have no complaints)

Happy Crafting!

♥︎ Leona (Crafting By The Pound)

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